Saturday, May 11, 2013

Agenda for PTA meeting 15 May @ 7pm in the staffroom

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA will be held on Wednesday 15 May 2013 AGENDA 1. Apologies – Sarah J 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting 17 April 2013 3. Action points from last meeting Action points: - 140 Celebrations – on-going Karen and Ginnie to get together to discuss printed options of photos. Term 4 date to be advised Karen to talk to Cam’s dad about the history of the school. - actioned Debbie to show Karen PVC option. Action points: - Hockey goal quote – actioned and installed Cam to talk to Jodi and Glen and report back at the next meeting Update - Cam has approached Mainland Foundation for funding for soccer/hockey goal Action points: - Netball hoops – on-going Update - next meeting, quotes for netball hoops, and quote for getting asphalt flattened. Liz looking at funding from ANZ courtside for hoops and remediation of hard surfaces (asphalt). Ginnie confirmed that hard surfaces were not covered under the MOE’s insurance Action points: Letitia to send out reminder email for helpers Sharon to organise music and DJ - actioned Oak leaf to be open, ask Matt if he is available Action points: Sharon, Matt and Karen to undertake spring clean - actioned Action points: Letitia to talk to Glen -actioned Sharon to make hot chocolates PTA -If you can make something for morning tea for the school council it would be appreciated, there are approximately 26 school council members Action point: Karen and Amanda to report back at next meeting – see agenda Action point: Jane to organise a time to do stocktake/consolidate/repair the wet weather games Jane to ask Brian about storage box for chess set 3.1 Thank yous: library, sausage sizzle, school council morning tea, Oak leaf 3.2 Disco 17 May 3.3 Entertainment books 3.4 Oak Leaf 3.5 Quiz night update 3.6 Wet weather games for classrooms 4. General business 5. Reports Next meeting 19 June @ 7pm in the school staffroom

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