Thursday, April 18, 2013

Minutes of PTA meeting 17 April 2013

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA held on Wednesday 17 April 2013 at St Albans school MINUTES Present: Letitia, Tracy H, Jane C, Karen, Mandy, Tracey M, Judy, Angela C, John, Susie, Angela B, Kia, Lisa, Cam, Rachel, Sharon, Ginnie, Liz, Bridget, Sarah 1. Apologies: Chris, Claire, Nikki S, Jane R, Debbie 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting. 19 March Tracy H seconded Ginnie 3. Matters arising from previous meeting. Action points: - 140 Celebrations – on-going Karen and Ginnie to get together to discuss printed options of photos. Term 4 date to be advised Karen to talk to Cam’s dad about the history of the school. Debbie to show Karen PVC option. Actions points: - Disco - actioned Tracey and Letitia to send out an email closer to time of disco asking for helpers. Karen and Jane to check stocks of glowsticks - sorted Karen to talk to school council and – Jodi/Sharon – Sharon and Jodi to DJ or organize DJ, school council has canvassed school for song choices Oak leaf to be opened Action points: - Sushi - actioned Jane to find out pricing from St Pierre’s - sorted Action points: - Sausage and Sushi dates - actioned Karen to let Suzanne know dates for next term – this has been actioned Action points: - Funding review - actioned Jane to organise a time for a funding review meeting – done see further on in meeting Action points: - Hockey goal quote – on-going Cam to talk to Jodi and Glen and report back at the next meeting Update - Cam has approached Mainland Foundation for funding for soccer/hockey goal Action points: - Netball hoops – on-going Update - next meeting, quotes for netball hoops, and quote for getting asphalt flattened. Liz looking at funding from ANZ courtside for hoops and remediation of hard surfaces (asphalt). Ginnie confirmed that hard surfaces were not covered under the MOE’s insurance 3.1 Thank you Tracy thanked everyone for their hard work on the following PTA activities - sushi, sausage sizzle, Oak leaf, and library 3.2 Disco 17 May Email to come out next week regarding Disco, Jodi and Sharon to organise DJ and music Action points: Letitia to send out reminder email for helpers Sharon to organise music and DJ Oak leaf to be open, ask Matt if he is available 3.3 Entertainment books Deadline for sales start of next term, sell, sell, sell!!!! 3.4 Oak leaf Decaf coffee is very popular in the cafĂ© now, thought it would be a good idea to buy a bench top grinder $189.00 at Briscoes. Approval to buy if under $150. Sharon, Matt and Karen to spring clean Oak leaf over holidays Action points: Sharon, Matt and Karen to undertake spring clean Sharon/Jane to buy grinder – this has been actioned and purchased for $99 3.5 Market day date – Term 4 Saturday 9 November, will look at this in future meetings Sub committee: Mandy, Sharon, Liz, Tracy H, Kylie, Liz, Bridget, Karen 7.30 pm presentation by room 22 Special presentation by room 22 representatives Lucca and Jacob. Room 22 would like to make an outside space to have a fun learning area outside their classroom, they require funds to buy old bean bags and material. Room 22 would also like the left over material from the fair. Room 22 will make all the cushions and bean bags. Estimated funding required $300. $200 still set aside from last year for room 22, we will allocate this money to room 22 for their outside learning area. We also approved an extra $100 to make the funding up to $300, motion passed by Tracy for extra $100 seconded by Ginnie 3.6 School council afternoon tea or morning tea Friday 10 May 10.10am in the Oak leaf cafe Action points: Letitia to talk to Glen Sharon to make hot chocolates PTA -If you can make something for morning tea for the school council it would be appreciated, there are approximately 26 school council members 3.7 Wet weather games for classrooms see treasurer report 4. General business Quiz night – Karen and Amanda Haldane to organise sub committee - 23 August Pop star theme Action point: Karen and Amanda to report back at next meeting 5. Reports Principals • $57k funding approved from Red Cross, this will be used for school camp and cirriculum activities including music groups etc • 18 months before the MOE will look at any property work • next term the MOE will complete a ‘modern learning environment inspection’ on the library and hall • we cannot make any modification to the library until the MOE have completed the modern learning environment inspection. Ginnie hopes once this has been completed we can come together as a community and work to make the library a more vibrant and inviting space for the children • once the modern learning environment inspection is completed on the hall Ginnie would like to get the hall looking good curtains etc • seating for junior classes being installed over holidays • milk in schools, children are being surveyed, and the school community will be consulted. Need two fridges to store milk, fridges supplied by Fonterra but would need to be installed in Oak leaf/2nd hand uniform area. Perhaps a taste test would be good as the milk is long life and kids might not like the taste. • a hole in the pipework is currently being fixed before the concrete can be laid and sheds constructed. Moved adoption of report Ginnie seconded Letitia Treasurer • $800 for library furnishing paid out • $800 paid to Landscapes Unlimited for the paving outside the Oak leaf • $100 donation from Court Theatre for books left over from the fair • $10k still on deposit for hall kitchen • PTA wish list to be filtered through school leadership team before coming being presented to PTA • Wet weather games in classrooms, do a stocktake week 1 term 2 – money from disco to be used for new wet weather games for classrooms • Approval for alphabet being painted outside junior classes. $1000.00 motioned passed for pavement art by Tracy H seconded by Mandy • Talk to Brian about a storage box for chess pieces and price to construct and if there is a practical area in the middle school for the storage box. Action point: Jane to organise a time to do stocktake/consolidate/repair the wet weather games Jane to ask Brian about storage box for chess set Meeting closed at 8.40pm Next meeting: Weds 15 May at 7pm in the school staffroom

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