Monday, February 17, 2014

Agenda for PTA meeting Wednesday 19 February 2014 @ 7pm in the school staffroom

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA will be held on Wednesday 19 February 2014 AGENDA 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting 20 November 2013. 3. Action points from last meeting Action point: Ginnie and Letitia to collate number of smocks needed Action point: Ginnie to ask junior team to present their request to the PTA at the first meeting in 2014 3.0 Thank yous: Oak leaf, 2nd hand uniform sale, teachers gifts, leavers dinner, ice blocks 3.1 Oak Leaf/2nd hand uniform shop 3.2 Art smocks 3.3 Wish list 3.4 PTA folder 3.5 Succession planning 3.6 Sausage/sushi dates term 1 3.7 Monster fair 3.8 Pool update 3.9 House t-shirts 4.0 General business 5.0 Reports Next meeting 19 March 2014, AGM followed by PTA meeting @ 7pm in the school staffroom

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