Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Minutes of PTA meeting 21 August 2013

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA will be held on Wednesday 21 August 2013 AGENDA Present: Sarah, Judy, Bridget, Letitia, Liz, Susie, John, Ginnie, Karen T, Karen W, Lisa, Chris, Jane 1. Apologies – Cam, Debbie, Mandy, Sharon, Angela C, Tracy H, Claire 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting 31 July 2013 – seconded Lisa Hearn 3. Action points from last meeting - none 3.1 Thank yous: sushi, Oak leaf, sausage sizzle, 2nd hand uniform, house t-shirts, central city survey 3.2 Sound system for hall Terry from Redd Sales has given us a quote for 3 stages of upgrading the hall and portable sound system. Portable sound system Hall upgrade Recommended further hall upgrade Ginnie would like an additional $1000.00 for the hall upgrade. There is still $1000.00 in the arts/sports budget that has not been used. This money will be allocated to the sound system. Ginnie will then apply for external funding for the other 2 stages. Thanks to Mandy for organising the quote. We are hiring a sound system from Redd Sales for the Quiz night 3.3 Entertainment books Jane has returned the remaining entertainment books. Thanks Jane for all your hard work on the entertainment books. Action point: Jane to take down poster in room 21 3.4 Oak Leaf – nothing to report 3.5 Quiz night Setting up hall Friday afternoon from 1.30pm, children’s desk and chairs are being used as tables as well as four of our smaller trestle tables, these will arrive at the hall in the afternoon. Alcohol and soft drinks arrive after school and Grant will put lighting and set up sound system at 4pm. Helpers have been emailed and all teams have been emailed with information. Action point: Karen to send out reminder email and note in newsletter telling teams to bringing cash and BYO nibbles - actioned 3.6 Calendars Teachers have been briefed on calendar art. Order forms for calendars/diaries and cards will go home in week 8 of this term. Jane thinks we will have calendars ready in week 2 of term 4. Jane will call a working bee to collate orders. Action point: Karen putting notice in newsletter to say they are happening - actioned 3.7 Market day – Market day meeting next Wednesday 7pm @ Bailies 3.8 Wish list Eco warriors would like to buy 3 more planter boxes for school vege planting. Kim would like additional funds to purchase these. Letitia reported that Kids can cook is coming in term 4 and Eco warriors have entered the Tui schools competition. PTA to give $250.00 to Eco warriors to purchase planter boxes. 3.9 Art smocks Letitia waiting for response from The Warehouse Northlands for supply of art smocks. Action point: Ginnie to look at a system to store the art smocks by hanging them in the art bays 4. General business - none 5. Reports Ginnie School pool Thank everyone who came along to the pool working bee, big thank you to the kids who did a fantastic job of helping and behaving so beautifully. We are on track for opening in term 4. Hall update New sound system being installed see 3.2. Ginnie advised that we will update the kitchen in the hall. Thanks to Liz for sourcing modular kitchen components. Ginnie has ordered new plastic seating that clicks together for hall. Brian is making a railing for the stairs up onto the stage to make it safer for children. The windows have been fixed. Will get a cherry picker to remove curtains have them cleaned and fix curtain rails. Brian is also making a box for chess pieces, chess set on asphalt to be repainted. School values to be painted around oak tree. E pa’s farewell, kids presenting and performance by kapa haka group, then whanau will speak. Finish off with kai, we may need a marquee outside the hall. Sewing day on Friday for kapa haka uniforms, come and help in room 1 from 9am. Action point: everyone to come along to room 1 on Friday morning at 9am and help sew kapa haka costumes for the cultural festival. Karen will also put request on facebook Jane We had a conversation about the Oak leaf and the fluctuations in profits. The Oak leaf is still profitable and is a fantastic community asset. Jane moved that all four of her reports be accepted – seconded Chris Special thank you! Thank you to Aogan McGuiness for painting over the graffiti on the junior block 4 to 7. Aogan donated his time and paint. Meeting closed 7.50pm Next meeting 18 September @ 7pm in the school staffroom

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