Monday, March 25, 2013

Minutes of the PTA meeting 19 March 2013

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA held on Wednesday 19 March 2013 at St Albans school MINUTES Present: John, Tracey H, Jane C, Karen, Sharon, Debbie, Liz, Claire, Letitia, Judy, Ginnie, Cam, Chris, Mandy, Lisa 1. Apologies: Jane R, Sarah, Tracey M, Susie, Letitia, Angela B, Angela C 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting. Jane seconded Debbie 3. Matters arising from previous meeting. none 3.1 Thank you Tracey thanked everyone for their work on the sausage sizzle, dinner for teachers, Oak leaf, raffle, library and pool 3.2 140th celebrations Karen and Ginnie have identified 10 photos from the archives to have printed. Photo and Video quoted $170.00 for an A3 canvas. We talked about a grab one deal or similar and other printed options including PVC and block mounted. Debbie to show Karen a sample of PVC. Ginnie and Karen to get together and discuss a date to celebrate the 140 year celebrations and what printed options to use. Cam’s dad (ex-pupil) and historian is able to help with information for the celebrations. Action points: Karen and Ginnie to get together to discuss printed options of photos. Karen to talk to Cam’s dad about the history of the school. Debbie to show Karen PVC option. 3.3 Disco next term Disco date for next term 17 May. Split of disco year 0 – 3 1 hour in duration Year 4 – 6 1.5 hours in duration. Karen to ask school council to ask classes for song requests. We have a number of glowsticks items to use for the disco. Karen to ask Nate and Jamie if they are interested in DJ-ing again. Actions points: Tracey and Letitia to send out an email closer to time of disco asking for helpers. Karen and Jane to check stocks of glowsticks Karen to talk to school council and Nate and Jamie 3.4 Entertainment books Order forms for entertainment books will go home before the end of term. Books will arrive before 1 June. You can order your book on-line. $65.00 a book. 3.5 Oak Leaf Matt is now working Mon/Tue/Wed, Sharon is working everyday and John is working Thurs/Fri. We have some new volunteers – Kris, Kylie and Ruchi. Jock has laid the pavers outside the Oak leaf so we now have a larger area for people to sit in and for children to use at lunch time. 4. General business Sushi this week All sorted with enough helpers. Jane is still waiting for confirmation of pricing from St Pierres head office. Action points: Jane to find out pricing from St Pierre’s Sushi and sausage sizzle dates for term 2 Sushi 24 May and 21 June Sausage sizzles 7 June and 5 July Action points: Karen to let Suzanne know dates for next term Ginnie funding request The lease on the classroom desktops runs out in July. To buy the desktops outright will cost $385.35 per computer, $8863.05 all up. The desktops are 3 years old and well maintained. Jane suggested that we get together and review our funding for the year and discuss this request at the review meeting. Action points: Jane to organise a time for a funding review meeting Hockey/soccer goal post Cam discussed purchasing a goal for the astro turf. This is a multi purpose goal made of steel and is mobile. Cam received a quote from Hotshot for $2450.00 excluding gst. Cam is also looking at the option of purchasing steel from Steel Bros and getting the goal post built. Claire said she also had a contact at Steel & Tube. Ginnie suggested that Cam get together with Jodi and Glen to discuss. Action points: Cam to talk to Jodi and Glen and report back at the next meeting Netball court and hoops Liz commented on the state of the netball surface. Ginnie advised at this stage we are unable to do anything about it. We also discussed the vandalism to the hoops. Ginnie suggested getting netball hoops that can be removed (similar to Hagley courts) to stop vandalism. Liz to look into this. Action points: Liz to look at prices for removal netball hoops. 5. Reports Treasurer’s report attached. Jane reported that the Oak leaf cafĂ© balance is $7390.00. We currently have $28k in the main account, once we have allocated all our yearly expenses and pool funding we will have $1900.00 left. Treasurers report moved by Jane, seconded by Mandy. Principals report See AGM minutes Meeting closed at 8.15pm Next meeting: Weds 17 April at 7pm in the school staffroom

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