Saturday, June 23, 2012

Minutes of PTA meeting 20 June 2012

Minutes of a meeting of St Albans School PTA held on Wednesday June 20, 2012 Present: Tracey M; Jane C; Susie; Claire; Karen; Chris; Debbie; Nicky; Ginnie; Sarah J; Mandy; John, Jacqui, Tracey H. We welcomed new school parents Melissa and Albert to the meeting. 1. Apologies: Brendan, Angela C, Lisa, Liz, Sharon, Letitia, Kirsty, Kelly 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Sarah/Tracey 3. Matters arising from previous meeting: 3.1 Thank-yous. Thank you to everyone who has helped with the Oak Leaf Cafe, the recent sausage sizzle, 2nd- hand uniform sales, sushi, and the Quiz Night. 3.2 Quiz night. This was very successful once again. Final profits are not yet tallied but over well over $2,000. Tracey recommended we specify ‘no BYO’ on tickets for next time, as this contravened our liquor licence. 3.3 Entertainment Books. Jane reported we have sold 222, which is comparable to last year. We still have 10 more books to sell. 3.3 Café. The new counter layout is working well. Sharon and John are training up as baristas. At Matt’s request we now have a café suggestion box. Ginnie is getting lino laid in the behind-counter area over the holidays to protect the carpet. Café profits will pay for half of this. We are now displaying classroom art in the cafe. Ginnie is happy for us to offer to make children hot chocolates to be delivered at morning tea, if they are too late in ordering in the morning – but we don’t want this to become an “option” – just an emergency back-up measure. Sarah will get quotes for scanning school archives photos so we can look at using them in the café or elsewhere in the school. 3.4 Fair. We still need to finalise the Haunted House location as there are security concerns about using the Rm 22-28 block. Teachers have until the end of term to name their class activity. Quite a few have done so already. John and Jacqui will talk to TTRR whanau about whether they could do a hangi. They are also looking at organising punga sales and fry bread. 3.5 School caps. Mandy has sourced some options ranging from $6-$13. Will get samples. Ask in newsletter to see if we can find a Christchurch supplier. 3.6 Barbecue. Nick has fixed it. Thanks Nick! 4. General business: 4.1 Lunches: Next term - Sushi 27th Jul; Sausage 17th Aug; Sushi 31 Aug; Sausage 14th Sept; 28th Sept will be an international food day 4.2 Food for parent teacher interviews: Weds 27/Thurs 28 June Soup: Angela/Tracey M/Tracey H/Julie/Kirsty/Amanda/Melissa Bread: Chris/Missy/Karen/Liz/Jane Cake: Angela/Marisa/Liz/Melody/Phil/Missy/Kris/Letitia/Lauren Please deliver your goodies to the staff room before 3pm on Wednesday 27th. Please name any plates/slow cookers etc. 4.3 Rachel King's book: Rachel – a school parent and author, has offered to sell her latest book for 9-12 year olds “Red Rocks” at The Oak Leaf and will donate $5 from each sale to the PTA. 4.4 Variety letter from Liz. Forwarded to Ginnie. 4.5 Wish List: Junior class teachers have requested $200 for child-friendly tape holders and craft supplies; Glen and the School Council have asked if the PTA would fund new painted line markings (games/activities etc) on playground. They have a quote for $1967.65. We agreed to fund this out of Quiz Night profits. Motion: That we donate $2,300 to pay for painting the playground and Junior class craft supplies. Moved Jane/seconded Mandy. Passed unanimously. 4.6 Hall curtains. We will organise a working bee to take them down and clean them. Mandy is to look at getting temporary scaffolding to make this easier. 5. Reports 5.1 Principal’s Report. 5.2 Treasurer’s Report. Accepted. . .

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