Wednesday, March 21, 2012

AGM Chairpersons report

21 March 2012 St Albans School PTA Chairperson’s report 2012 Firstly I would like to say a huge thank you to all the PTA members and PTA families. It has been another tough year for the St Albans school community but once again you have had the energy to support and fundraise for our school. I cannot say enough how thankful I am as chairperson. We have had a great community year. The Oak Leaf café has had a very successful start and seeing parents in their being able to socialise and meet new people is worth as much as the profit the café is making. A big thank you to Sarah Johnston for managing the huge task of getting the Oak leaf up and running. At the beginning of this year the 2nd hand uniform shop was created in the Oak leaf giving parents greater access to uniform. Sales are up which is great, thank you Judy for administering this. Another successful quiz night held at school provided everyone with a great night out, weekend community events, the Dis-go and our very popular Market day round out a very busy 2011. Other fundraising came through sushi/pizza, 2nd hand uniform sales, calendars, entertainment books, subway and good old sausage sizzles. The PTA also supported school through working bees, lunch time duty, lost property, staff morning teas, soup, new family evenings, head boy and girl sweatshirts, PAL shirts, camp donation, ice blocks and the year 6 leaving function. Thank you Susie, Jane and Sarah our office bearers for administrating the PTA and giving up so much of your time. To the leadership team of Ginnie, Glen and Claire thank you! Thank you also to all the teachers, admin staff and Heather for your ongoing support and enthusiasm for the PTA. The PTA looks forward to another year working together. Karen Wiese, Chairperson

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