Thursday, November 10, 2011

Minutes of PTA meeting Wednesday 2nd November

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA
Held on Wednesday November 2nd 2011
At 7pm in the Staff Room.


Present: Marietta, Mandy, Claire, Ginnie, Tracy H, Karen, Sharon, Susie, Judy, Celia, Liz, Julie, Brendan, Chris.

1. Apologies: Nicki Simmons, Sarah J, Jane C, Lisa H, Jane R, Tracey M,

2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting. Claire

3. Matters Arising:

3.1 Thank-yous: Karen thanked all the volunteers who have helped with the 2nd hand uniform sale, pizza and the new parents evening.

3.2 Sausage sizzle Helpers for 18th November and Sushi/Pizza 2 December, Liz and Mandy have offered to help. Jane is going to talk to the sushi guy, as he is now situated in south city.

3.3 2nd hand uniform sale: 24th November. This is going to be held at the Oak Leaf Café. Set up for this will be done the after school.

3.4 Calendars. Jane is hoping to get these next week. Jane will e-mail when these come in for help in bagging up.

3.5 PTA Wish List: Mandy brought up that the School council requested sandpit toys at the beginning of the year, yet we didn’t get around to buying them.
Karen passed a motion that we as the PTA will donate $100 to the school council to buy sand pit toys. Carried. Seconded by Sharon

Lorraine also brought to our attention about replacing the cups from the hall cupboards. Susie is going to scout around for samples and price.

We also discussed on what we could fund raise for next year, some suggestions were, Seating and planting, Laptops and trestle tables, eftpos machine and Ginnie also requested a Library make over. A sub committee was formed for this Karen, Sharon, Judy and Chris. We also tagged the money from the Market day to this.

3.6 Drinks with board Thursday 17th November @ Pomeroys 292 Kilmore St 7pm
Email Karen if you can attend.

3.7 Leavers’ function. This will be on Thursday Dec 15th. Jane offered to be in charge of catering. Jane will email for helpers

3.8. PTA Christmas function Friday 9th December @ 12a Massey Crescent. Bring a plate let Karen know if you could come and what you could bring.

3.9 Teachers Christmas gifts Karen will look into getting Jo Mullen into baking a cupcake each for the staff, passed by all present pta.
Ice blocks 14th December – whole school 2:30
Susie is taking on ice blocks.

4. General Business.
4.1 Cupcakes as a fundraiser: Sugar bakery, we agreed to run it she does all the work.

5. Reports
5.1 Principal’s Report
5.2 Treasurer’s Report.
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted. Moved Karen/seconded Liz
5.3 Café Report.

The meeting ended at 8.40pm.
NOTE No meeting next month.

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