Wednesday, April 6, 2011

AGM Chairpersons report

Hello everyone

Last night we held the PTA AGM. Our existing officer bearers were voted in again for this year. Below is a copy of my chairperson's report and the office bearers.

Chairperson - Karen Wiese

Vice Chairperson - Susie Watson

Treasurer - Jane Coultas

Secretary - Sarah Johnston-Boeyen

5 April 2011

St Albans School PTA Chairperson’s report 2011

To say that the last year has been eventful is an understatement for the PTA and the St Albans school community.

Through two major earthquakes the PTA has still been able to fundraise and support the school community.

Some of the highlights have been the ‘Serving up St Albans’ cookbook. The cookbook sub-committee worked so hard to produce a wonderful record of our school community. The money raised through sales of the cookbook will go towards our new school hall kitchen which will help with future fundraising for school.

We also managed to fit in a fun night out with our first Quiz night, another fantastic market day and a Christmas family evening. All of these events have brought the community together.

Our other fundraising came through sushi/pizza, a disco, 2nd hand uniform sales, calendars, entertainment books, subway and good old sausage sizzles.

The PTA also supported school through working bees, lunch time duty, book week, lost property, staff and new family morning teas, head boy and girl sweatshirts, ice blocks and the year 6 leaving function.

The money we have raised has helped with the following items for school:

Library books, laptop rental, piano accompanist, art smocks, acorn fund, stickers, tripods, school camp, Senco, literacy books, Digital cameras and many more items.

To the PTA thank you so much for your dedication. It has been a very trying 12 months but you have still been there to give up your time to help support school. Thank you Susie, Jane and Sarah our office bearers for administrating the PTA.

To the leadership team of Ginnie, Glen and Claire thank you! We knew you were fantastic but the way you have lead over the last 6 months after two major events has been amazing. We are so fortunate to have you and your fabulous teaching and administration teams at St Albans school.

The PTA looks forward to another year working together.

Karen Wiese, Chairperson

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