Friday, June 28, 2013

Minutes of the PTA meeting held on the 26 June 2013

Minutes of the meeting of St Albans School PTA on Wednesday 26 June 2013 @ 7pm Minutes Present: Sharon C, Letitia, Lisa, Karen, Claire, Cam, Jane, Tracy H, Bridget 1. Apologies – Jane R, Liz, Tracey M, Angela C, Judy, Debbie, Chris, Ginnie, Mandy, Kirsty, Sarah J 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting 15 May 2013 - confirmation Sharon 3. Action points from last meeting Action point: - Netball hoops – actioned Funding approved hoops order, they have arrived on site? Get kids to write to Mainland Foundation to thank them. Well done Cam Action point: Jane to ask Brian about storage box for chess set – no answer yet Action points: Mandy to look at label options for 2nd hand uniform. Labels at Spotlight for around $3 a pack, Mandy to liaise with Judy to iron on labels to uniform. Letitia said she is happy to help M< Action points: Mandy to ask Bluebird chip man if he can donate items – yes to donation Action points: Jane has purchased duplo and games/puzzles for classes. Jane to organize games and boxes (boxes will have a list of contents on top) this time going forward Letitia, Sharon, Bridget, Tracy to do a yearly stocktake Action points: Letitia has found art aprons at the Warehouse, $10 each. Letitia to talk to Ginnie about offering art aprons as an optional uniform item. We also need to find a new source for house colour t-shirts. Tracy H to buy house t-shirts at K-mart Shirley to sell in the Oak leaf café. Approval to buy if cost is not over $5.00 each Jane has bought more wide brim hats for $5.00 each. 3.1 Thank yous: sausage sizzle, sushi, disco, Oak leaf, Cam Spear, uniforms 3.2 140th celebrations – Action point: Karen to give discs with photo’s to be put onto PVC to Debbie 3.3 Entertainment books – Sold 230 so far can still sell more, will decide what to use money for at a later meeting and then advertise in newsletter 3.4 Oak Leaf Matt and Sharon are thinking of trialing a coffee specialty for example mint flavoured perhaps a different one each month there would be an extra charge. Oak leaf café will offer barista coffee at the new parents evening. Sharon will come in to make coffees no charge to the parents. Sharon raised the idea of opening for the parent teacher interviews on 10 and 11 July. The 11 July is the early school finish day (2pm). Oak leaf will open 3 till 5 Wed and 2 till 4 Thur. Will advertise in newsletter, facebook and chalk Action point: Karen to advertise that the Oak leaf will be open during the parent teacher interviews 3.5 Quiz night · Application for special license has been sent to the CCC and Juanita Kane is our bar manager · We have had 5 donations of prizes so far through school families – Kidsbase, Baby on the move, Pegasus Bay Winery, Charmed Flowers and Schwarzkopf. We are now distributing donation letters to new local businesses such as Metro, Sugar Baby, Bailies etc. Blanc have already contacted us to say they will make a donation, Beach Road mechanics will donate a WOF, Court Theatre to donate tickets · Advertising posters are now up at school and tickets will go on sale 8 July giving 1 week before holidays and then 4 after holidays for sales · Tables will be restricted to 20 with a maximum of 6 pax per table $90.00 a table · We are looking for helpers, we need 4 markers and 1 person to input scoring on the night, we will also require 1 person to help behind the bar. If you can help please email Karen · The quiz will contain 3 music orientated rounds the rest will be general knowledge and we will have no more than 8 rounds. Helpers that offered at PTA meeting: Claire to do scoring Cam to be bar wench Rachel V may help? Letitia, Tracy and Bridget to help with set up and clean up We will also look at whether we can use some of our smaller trestle tables as an alternative to class desks, we will still need to use class desks but perhaps not as many Action point: Karen to send out email asking for helpers 3.6 Wet weather games for classrooms – see action point carried over from last meeting above 3.7 Calendars Action point - dates from Ginnie for timetable for calendars, term 3 is an ‘art’ term so fits in well. Artwork to be completed by 16 August (end of week 3). Jane to talk to Tracy regarding taking over calendars 3.8 Soup/bread for parent teacher interviews Action point: Letitia to send email out for helpers for soup/bread/sweet stuff. Soup etc to be at school on the first day 10 July 3.9 Ladies evening Idea from Heather. Ladies evening or morning learning how to change tyre/oil etc (Heather would demonstrate). Bring a plate etc. Would run in the Summer months and would come under the ‘parent chats’. Claire advised that parent chats to start up again in term 3. Claire has been asked by a parent to run a parent night on pubertal change, she is looking in to this 4. General business Bank accounts - new banking rules around terrorism and money laundering make it very difficult to change signatories on PTA bank accounts we will change signatories next year when we have more changes to office bearers. Jane, Karen, Suzanne, Sarah J and Mandy can sign cheques. Eco-warriors – Kim would like $150.00 to fill up the garden with plants by the junior gates. They have already received $150.00 from trees for Canterbury and would like the PTA to match it. The PTA is happy to contribute Kapa Haka school group - 80 children in the Kapa Haka, they will perform at the cultural festival this year. We need more costumes currently have 40 of the rich blue colour, plus some other costumes. Claire to get quote for more costumes. Approximately $500 up to $1000 needed. PTA happy for Claire to go ahead and purchase costumes Sushi – Lisa’s hours of work are changing and she will no longer be able to co-ordinate sushi. Thank you Lisa for all your hard work, Lisa will still be available to help on Fridays Action point - Lisa to send out email asking for someone to take over as sushi co-coordinator. Request for tuna sushi has been made via facebook – will investigate pricing for other sushi options for next term Sausage sizzle/sushi dates for next term: Sausage 9 August Sushi 23 August Sausage 6 September Sushi 20 September Action point – Karen to put a note in the school newsletter and on facebook asking for sausage and sushi helpers and send sushi/sausage dates to Suzanne Market day – Action point – Karen to start advertising Market day before the holidays so people can get planning in the holidays End of year PTA function – put your thinking caps on, possible date last week of November Other general business - Mandy – Court Theatre, Mandy suggested that we have a PTA outing and go the latest play at the Court Theatre “Kings of the Gym”. Everyone at the meeting thought it was a great idea. Karen will ask Mandy to look at dates and send out details We talked about options for getting more members for the PTA, suggestions were an advertising campaign and a wine and cheese evening to open the book week 26 August Karen to ask Sarah for the template of the PTA form that goes in the welcome to school pack so we can update it 5. Reports Jane treasurers report passed and seconded by Karen Meeting closed 8.45pm Next meeting 31 July @ 7pm in the school staffroom, please note this is one week later due to school holidays