Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some information on our Quiz night on the 15th of June

St Albans Quiz Night 2012 “The Great Cake Quiz” This year our Quiz Night will take a slightly different form, as this year is also a Fair year, with the St Albans School’s Monster Fair on November 3rd. To avoid hitting up local retailers and businesses for two lots of prizes and donations during these tough times, we have decided the prize pool for this year’s Quiz will be in the form of delicious cakes and treats, baked by St Albans best bakers. So, think brownies instead of vouchers, mud cake instead of gift baskets, but you are still guaranteed a fantastic night out! • Friday 15th June • Doors open 7pm. Quiz starts 7.30pm • Supper provided. • Cash bar on site. (Bring coins for the bourbon toss!) • Book that babysitter and get your team sorted • Maximum 6 members per team, $15 per person. • As always, prizes will be awarded for the best team costume/theme....

PTA agenda for Wednesday 16th May @ 7pm in the staffroom

A Meeting of St Albans School PTA will be held on Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 7.00pm in the Staff Room. AGENDA Presentation by year 4 children. Present: 1. Apologies: 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting. 3. Matters arising from previous meeting. 3.1 Thank-yous. 3.2 Quiz night. Tracey M 3.3 Entertainment Books. Jane C 3.3 Café. Sarah J 3.4 Fair. Debbie 4. General business 5. Reports 5.1 Principal’s Report 5.2 Treasurer’s Report. .

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Parent Chat - Parent helpers

Friday, May 18, 2012 9:20am until 10:00am @ the Oak Leaf Cafe This will focus on making the most of your time as a parent helper. Ww ask that you register either at the office or the café to help us with our planning. If numbers are not sufficient we will not run the talk time. We will contact you if you register and we have to cancel. Hot drinks and cake will be available for purchase. See our term schedule for more details.
Quiz Night is coming! Book your babysitter now and start organising your teams for the St Albans School Quiz Night on 15th June. Doors open 7pm. Quiz starts 7.30pm. Held in the school hall. Limited tickets will go on sale from Monday. $15.00 per person maximum six per table.